100 Days of Writing - Day 32

I was thinking about words today, and words that sound silly.  Pickle is a damn silly word, and apparently it's a popular in kid's media.

Twinkle is pretty ridic too, when you think about it.  Twinkle.  Like, it means something lovely but it's one of those words where the more you say it, the more it loses its meaning.

Someone had a question about potatoes today (I work at Organic Garage).  The sign said Yukon, but that bags said PEI.  This was very confusing, and so I went to get help from the produce dude, and I opened with a "someone has a potato question."  And he responded with "a potato question, eh."  And it just felt very silly.

Potato.  It's such a perfect word to describe what it is.  Potatoes are silly AF. 

Now, if you dare, you throw two silly words together, and you've got something magical. 

Twinkling Potatoes.  Right?  Potatoes never twinkle!  But I bet they'd love to! 

It makes me imagine what goes on in the grocery store after hours. The disco ball lowers, DJ Cabbage comes out, spins some tunes on the conveyor belt.  HELL's YEAH! 

I'm into it.  Produce just wants to unwind like the rest of us, eh?



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