
Showing posts from April, 2015

Where did it all go?

There was a time in my life when I held on to someone, listening to the very same music I am listening to at the present moment. The present moment.  It is a gift, isn't it? It's been a long time since I've felt the tug of a special someone, had someone to lean on when I felt scared, felt needy, or felt love. And yet, I've never lived more truer to myself.  Sure I've always had people to listen to me, that I could rely on, that I've loved.  But I misinterpreted my status for many years thinking that something was holding me back, preventing me from realizing a special goal, only seen on the courts of romantic relationships. The thing is that it's just energy.  And I didn't put that energy in the right place for years. Just a year ago my wants were drastically different from what I wants now! I went on a trip to Hawaii in March of 2014.  I'm a grown-up dammit, and I deserve this, I told myself.  It was as absolutely lovely as you might ima