100 Days of Writing - 39

So it's turning out to be less and less consecutive days of writing, but happy to be jotting some thoughts down nonetheless, and am determined to do it another 60 times to get to 100. 

Learned a bit about literary agents today, that was helpful.  Turns out you need a completed manuscript to submit before even having a chance at getting one!  Huh!  Who knew?  Makes a lot of sense.  So I guess I should finish something now.

We have an assignment in my publishing class to write a query letter, novel synopsis and 1-3 chapters of a middle grade or YA novel.  I'm revisiting something I started writing several years ago about a group of kids that get up to no good one summer.  I've started so many projects but once I hit a couple thousand words I'm like... well that's all I can think of for now so I guess I'll just wait til another bout of inspiration comes, and then it just doesn't.

But I like this story I have, and I like the idea I have for it, I just don't really know... what happens yet.  :)

There's a narrator, and a leader of the pack and they are two separate people, so the advice I was given today was to allow the narrator to get inside this kid's head so that the reader can feel a connection to the story.  I agree, and I also want to make the reader think about the perspective of the kid narrating, who is a kind of ghost.  SPOOKY!

I hope to post more on it soon!



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