100 Days of Writing - 34

We have an assignment for one of my writing classes to bring a song next week that really captures our adolescence, something that meant a lot to us in our youth, around 14-16 years old.

I'm hoping we'll be able to listen and write so in preparation for that here are my top 11 song from my teens:

-Bush - Glycerine
-Portishead - All Mine
-Bjork - Army of Me
-Silverchair - Freak
-Deftones - Be Quiet and Drive
-Weezer - The Sweater Song/Anything from the Blue album
-Offspring - Self-Esteem/Come out and Play/Bad Habit
-Smashing Pumpkins - Zero/Bullet With Butterfly Wings
-Green Day - All By Myself, lol
-Nirvana - Heart Shaped Box (Also, the entire Unplugged album..)
-Moist - Tangerine

And then a little later
-Slipknot - Sic
-Kitty - Brackish (Spit album)

Other memorable favourites: Geggy Tah's Whoever you are, Tripping Daisy's I got a Girl... god so many... Beck's Loser, Korn, ugh the list goes on.  How can I narrow it down to one?  It'll probably be Deftones (And truth be told it would be the song Change, but that came out when I was almost 18). 

Something about Weezer really captures the memories I have about being a teenager at a party.  Somehow it was a band we could all agree on- the kids into rap and the kids into alternative music came together to chant the silly refrains that Weezer put out.  There's also this perfect haze that coats the pace of the songs, that matched my teenage party state.  :)

Offspring's Bad Habit got me grounded.  Although it definitely didn't go down like this, my memory tells me I played it so loud and disregarded my parent's attempt to shut it off that (and this part is accurate) I had all of my music confiscated.. including my Alanis Morissette's Jagged Little Pill.

I used to belt out All Mine on the regular in my room, I don't know how my mom handled all the loud music coming from my bedroom!  Bless her.

All the good music from the 90s,



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