100 Days of Writing - 36

I've been getting into my former teen headspace.

I was definitely cooler then than I am now, and I just have to accept that. 

I know it was mostly hormones, but I felt everything more vividly then.  Love, anger, music, it was made more intense by my lack of life experience and my determined attitude towards it. 

Friends, school events, shows, and the budding internet connections were at the forefront of my 15 year old life.  Walks in the rain and postering my walls with Hit Parade posters topped the list of my favourite things to do. 

Filled, to the brim, with as much knowledge as I could possibly emit, I had a confidence that was timely and unlike anything I've felt since. I suppose that's an issue of time.  The more time you have on earth, the more crap has to get filtered by your brain, before it seeps into your ego.  I think my filter has gotten a little weak, though I hear it gets a lot stronger the older you get.  That's nice.  I look forward to giving less shits.

I have a theory developing at the moment.

"Which Blink 182 band member do you want to date" personality quiz:

Mark Hoppus - the pretty boy.. Looking for commitment, wanting to hone someone in. 
Tom Delonge - the best bud- you're on the right track.  Keep it up.
Travis Barker - okay, a man of mystery... a serious type, someone whose a bit more fashion-focused and independent.
Etc.  - you're lost, you can't commit, and you probably shouldn't be dating right now.

Ugh.  Adolescence.




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