100 Days of Writing - 40

Goals.  What of em?

It's weird to be approaching 40 and feeling like I've accomplished a lot of what I set out to do in my youth.  I feel like middle age puberty is hitting and now I have to face my future, wrinkles and all, with a new set of goals.

I feel old as fuck.  Let's just get that out of the way and proceed with even more honesty.

I'm satisfied with my life.  I think I did 'er well so far, and now I have to re-evaluate where I'm at in terms of hopes and dreams for the futche.  Fewtch.

I could say I want babies and a husband.  I could say I want a house, and a porch, and a fence that doesn't have to be white picket, but that will be high enough to hide me from my neighbours g-damnit.

I could say those things, and maybe somewhere in me I do want them, but it's not what comes to mind.  I'm still focused on career goals, creative goals, and life dream goals.  Publishing goals.  I want to publish shit.  Quality, shit.  Good stuff.  Things that make people go, oooh, and ahhhh!  and hah hah hah and whatnot. 

Thankfully I'm picking up some new tools while in school that will help me with these dreams, these goals.  And so the time is decidedly right for me to go back to school and learn new things, even though it's awkward and hard and I'm old as I mentioned.

Goals.. new goals.  I never thought I'd have to set new ones but here I am!  Life has morphed a bit and turns out I want more out of it.  So who knows, maybe I'll make something of myself, a little more than I already have.




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