100 Days of Writing - 30

1 third!  Done!


I brought my little cousin to a drop-in centre today and we both played with homemade play dough for an hour.  It brought me back to my youth immediately... The smell, the texture, the way my hands felt dry after, it was glorious.

The drop-in centre is stacked with toys of all sorts, but I must commend them on their selection of play dough accessories. There were moulds, there were kid-sized wooden rolling pins and even the tube pusher that exacts spaghetti and things of that type. 

The open play thing is big with tykes.  Allowing their imagination to roam, open play is said to be the best option for toys.  Blocks are a good example, where you get to build whatever the heck you like, without a necessary pattern to create.  The creativity and the freedom that goes into this type of toy is where it's at.  No prescribed outcome, just you, creating, making, doing. 

Little 3 year old ran around the room claiming there was a big monster in the playhouse they were stationed around.  A tiny 2 year old painted with gouache.  The sandbox was full of open ended materials for exploration...

It's a great place to learn and socialize, and I just love it.

Makes me wonder how we, as adults, play.  Improv aside, is it sport we turn to for this type of creative outlet?  Writing?  Drinking?  Ha.  Yeah, maybe all those things. 

I like to write, I like to walk (when it's not so cold out)... I like to imagine things and be creative in my thoughts.  It's a healthy habit to work into your life, a necessary one I'd even venture to claim.

Adults need to play as well.




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