100 Days of Writing - 41

Here are some terrible ideas for kid's series:

-Jujubes take over the candy industry and fire all the other candy.
-A documentary about the mice that live in your cupboards.
-A social media app that literally traps people in your phone.
-Reptiles at a dinner party
-52 x 22' of a single fern, slowly growing.
-Crafts, come to life
-Baseball: fans vs. all-stars
-Things that can fit inside a keg
-Upside-down paintings; the new way to hang art
-Burger's Bobs
-When sleeping bags strike
-Errol the elliptical eel... a show about proper grammar!
-Barbie, Uncensored
-Who's your daddy?  A heritage docuseries
-A show about clowns that features many extreme closeups of live action clowns.  Clowns.
-Stephanie's shoe show by the seashore
-Super Cali Fragile Mystic (<-----PROOF OF CONCEPT, SORRY)
-Seinfeld, but for kids!


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