100 Days of Writing - 27

It snowed today.  A lot.  It snowed so much that we might get a snow day tomorrow and I get to stay home from school.  As an adult, that feels extra cool.

Snow days were the best growing up.  Pure freedom awaited.  My dad would often sculpt the best slides for us to tackle and keep ourselves entertained.  I had a long driveway so when the snow plow came, we had a naturally huge mountain.  The kids from my street would all pile onto it with their crazy carpets and GT snow racers like bad asses.  Occasionally he would put a snow bump down the slope to make it extra exciting.  Hours upon hours of entertainment, followed by the occasional hot chocolate, made from real cocoa... the best kind. 

As I was walking to the streetcar, completely covered in scarves and feeling icy bits of snow hit my eyes, a man took a break from shoveling to chat with his neighbour.  After a brief complaint, his neighbour went "yeah but it's Winter!" 

It's true for me that it feels like a personal assault when it snows like this.  Life is extra hard due to the situation.  I get that it's Canada, and we always complain about the weather, but my God today was bad!  I took refuge in a very narrow space between two buildings and another person poked their head to see if there was enough room for a second person.  "Come on in!" I shouted. 

The streetcar never came. 

I gave up when the counter on my app restarted and stated 20 mins after the promise of a 2-minute-away streetcar and started walking to catch a bus going another direction.  Then, as luck would have it, the magical 506 streetcar reappeared, about to head west on Carlton.  It was stopped at a light and I had just enough time to throw up prayer hands at the driver to let me in on the light and he waited. 

Small acts!  Or big acts, depending on how many people are dependent on you... The weather made for a nice movie night on my couch with my pup cradled in my arms.  I love that pupper.

To snow, and to snow days.  I may take one even if the college isn't shut down for all. ;)



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