Talent Show

People just have to show up.  Talents in tow.  It's like life is one big artist gathering, and we carry our creativity in a briefcase, tucked tightly under our arms, cared for; it's precious.  I feel blessed to know so many talented and interesting people.  Each talent is unique, original and special.

Some can handle a classroom of 30 plus kids, others, a camera and still others, a stage, a film shot, a guitar... It's endless.  We bring our unique abilities to the table, and share and exchange in order to feel inspired and stimulated.

I saw a great local group the other night down at TSC, Deer Ashes, Dear I believe they are called.  It was a Thursday night, and I was finally on vacation as of 4 o'clock.  The band blew me away.  Each song was a harmony of instruments, vocals and great writing.  I approached one of the singers, whose name escapes me now, but I shook her hand and told her that I enjoyed their set.  Sometimes I feel the need to communicate the amount of inspiration I feel from someone or something, but that throws people off... So I just tried to come across as being polite.  She was touched.

For a group of people to sit in a room together and create such magic... Wow.  It's an energy worth studying. They must all drink from the great well of inspiration, I don't know... I'm still so impressed that I can barely put my thoughts in order.

It's 12:20 am, I've been on Vay-K for just under a week and I've got a whole truckload of recipes and stories to upload tomorrow.  Or maybe the next day.  Depending on where things are at.

For now, off to bed - goodnight all you fabulous people out there, your unique talents are appreciated and I'm  grateful you share.


TV on the Radio,



  1. I feel the same way! I feel so blessed to know such talented folk and get blown away by some of the stuff I encounter with frightening regularity. Oh the wonder of it all!!

  2. It's awesome! How's that for a sense of community huh? :)


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