
Showing posts from September, 2015


I keep staring at my newly-painted hot pink nails.  "Yes, they're real," as I tried to convince my cousin this evening.  "I think the polish makes my nails stronger."  "Extra coats," she responded. Extra coats.  I emptied out one of my suitcases taking up a storage space at my mom's condo this afternoon.  I threw my Fall jacket into my laundry duffel bag, preparing myself for the colder weather we should expect for September and October. It's been a hot summer.  My summer fashions have found new suits.  An old spaghetti-strap dress actually works as a skirt if you tuck the top in.  Things I've discovered battling with the 30+ weather we've had for months. Suddenly, it's cold out.  I closed my balcony door for the first time since June, to try and let my air-drying laundry dry up.  My clothes are still damp from last night.  Should have done laundry Thursday.  Whatever. We all have to deal with laundry.  And spin cycles.  You