Cussing Caution

Yesterday morning the first word out of my mouth was literally "F***."  I didn't feel like getting out of bed and certainly was not feeling energized to get to work.  But I did, a coffee in-tow, and made it there earlier than usual. 

I've recently decided to socially sell myself over the internet.  I admit I am trying to promote this blog in order to reach a wider audience and see what happens.  Curiosity has always been a motivating factor in my life.  I signed up for a real Twitter page, under my real name, Katie Leggitt.  Hook that up if you like.  When I woke up yesterday and huffed the F-word as I was sitting up, the second motion I made was to reach for my laptop and tweet.  I don't even know what I'm doing really, but I tweeted my first word of the day, followed by "it's going to be a rough day," and even hashtagged #needvacation.  I'm not entirely sure what hashtags are for, but I'm just trying to keep up with the times, know what I'm saying?

I'm diving into the social media realm and have signed up for Google Adwords, and a few other sites I've already forgotten about.  But it's helping.  People are viewing my blog from all over the world: India, the Phillipines, I even saw one hit in Macedonia.  Macedonia!!  I can't even tell you where that is on the globe!!!

Anyway, I'm excited.  Most of the hits I'm getting have to do with love.  People out there are just as troubled by this aspect of life as I am.  And that's okay, I knew this blog would have as much to do with love as it would nutrition.  It's all connected.

My day yesterday went alright, for the most part, I even thought I evaded that curse I put on myself.  I felt inspired at work and had a nice 2-hour chat with a few students who are planning activities for next year.  I went home, the sun shining, and happily biked to the venue I'm managing for the Fringe Festival, a bar called Aux Verres Stérélisés, or Sterilized Glasses for you English-folk.  Along the way I noticed the ride seemed bumpier than usual.  Crap.  A flat tire. 

I'm new to the cyclist lifestyle; my ex-boyfriend got me interested enough to buy a bike but I could never keep up with him on the road.  I gave up on it and the bike collected dust in my bedroom for about a year until I clued in that I could save a lot of money on parking meters by biking.  And oh yeah, it's good for me, I should be exercising anyway.  So I've been biking, and feeling proud of myself for making the (what takes me) 45-minute trek accross the city.

I walked the bike for a while and bumped into a friend by the Fringe beer tent.  He helped me remember there's a bike shop along the way to the venue.  Phew.  I filled up my tire and hopped back on, without a care in the world, arrived, managed, enjoyed the show, laughed, and then it was time for me to head home, I was tired.

I dropped the cashbox off at Mainline Theatre, the Fringe headquarters, and when I took off for what should have been the last time I had that same bumpy feeling again.  Shit.  Yep.  Flat tire.  I determined that it wasn't air the tire needed, probably a patch or a new innertube, or maybe even a new tire altogether. 

Suddenly I was overcome with emotion.  Home felt very far away.  I told myself, "I'm not going to cry.  And I'm not going to panic."  I walked for a bit, kept checking the tire as if it would somehow be okay enough to ride, but I knew that I could ruin the rim by riding a flat, so I walked.  I walked, ignoring the lump in my throat and tried to come up with a plan.  I could walk all the way back to NDG, go back to the bar, or take the metro.  I didn't want to lock the bike up because it would surely be stolen and that would make the 4th bike I've had stolen in my life.  That didn't sound reasonable.  I opted to take my bike into the metro but had to stop to scrounge for change first. 

I sat myself down and pulled out my wallet.  I was short 25 cents.  I looked up to the full moon shining down on me and just burst into tears.  I totally called it this morning, I thought.  Self-fulfilling prophecy right?  The spark I refer to in the previous blog was bad from the start this morning.  I set it up and now I have to deal with the manifestation of my bad attitude. 

I wiped the tears and tore my bag apart until I found 3 dimes. Okay.  Saved.  "Thank you God," I said to the sky.  I walked my bike down to Saint-Laurent metro and paid my way.  Got off at the metro closest to my house and began the last 30-minute stretch of my walk home. 

As you've probably learned if you are a regular reader, I overanalyze things, it's a fault.  Or a talent, depending on the day.  In any case, I kept thinking about how I did this to myself and how am I going to fix the bike and it's taking me forever to get home, and FML, and Woe is Me.  WIM.  I made that up.  You can use it.  For times when FML just seems a little overdramatic.  :)

I get Woe is Me times, and this was certainly one of them.  I tend to wallow in self-pity when things aren't going my way.  Usually I stop myself (or Roxy as I've referred to that negative inner-voice before), but sometimes when you've only got the moon for comfort... I think it's alright.

All things related, I have decided that I need to kick things up a notch in my life.  I'm going to refocus my energies on a new project.  I'm calling it 99 for 29 and as of July 1st, I'm going to try to create a new recipe each day before my 29th birthday, on October 7th.

And then I'll make a book. 


I can't promise I'll post the recipes each day but I'm going to try my hardest to take photos and keep track in a paper-log. Most of the recipes will be raw, vegan, and easy to make.  There's nothing I find more overwhelming in the kitchen than a recipe that has a hundred ingredients and complicated steps.  Keep it Simple!

Lunch-break Love,



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