'git out the gunk

A quick day 2 update:

Today's coffee-free headache was intense, lasted all day...  I didn't realize how bad I'd been treating my body until I forced it to restore itself as I am doing right now.  I can't imagine what it must be like to go through withdrawal for serious drugs!  This is the detox phase, and it sucks.  I just wanted to retreat and stay in bed all day.  But I toughed it out and made it to work just fine.

Shifting habits is a challenge!  It's letting go of so many familiar motions and thoughts and compulsions... And it would have been so easy to just say "F-it, I'll start another time."  The withdrawal is pure proof that drinking coffee every day probably isn't that good for you.  Anything that creates a dependence can't be.

My food was pretty much the same today, had the granola-gourt with blueberries for breakfast, snack was a rice cake and almond butter... Lunch was quinoa nori wraps that were leftover from last night. Had some more blueberries, dried apricots, a peach and oh yeah started the day with lemon water.  I stopped by the health food store and bought some fresh-made peanut butter so I treated myself to a spoonful (or two!) when I got home.  Soooo yummy!

For supper, I steamed broccoli and brussel sprouts, with sweet potato slices boiling in the water below (I'm all about time-conserving cooking) and then tossed the greens into a pan with coconut oil, garlic, a bit of sea salt, a splash of lemon juice and some chili peppers.  I'm craving spicy foods for some reason, probably to help get the gunk and toxins out of my system.  By the way, coconut oil is great to cook with.  It melts at a very low temperature and does not produce toxic smoke when heated like olive oil!

Tomorrow will be more of the same.  Part of the cleanse is to actively let go of anger.  So far so good, I haven't had too many moments where I needed to, but I'm constantly reinforcing "I love cows" in my head.  I am kind of hoping for that quantum leap to occur in my head which will lead to an instantaneous shift but that doesn't seem to be happening.  I almost stopped by Santropol for a sandwich until I remembered their base ingredient is usually cream cheese.

In other news, I popped into "Viva Vegan" on Saint-Laurent and was pleasantly impressed by their selection of raw foods and even bought a Vega chocolate bar. http://www.vivagranolaveganstore.ca/ Vega was created by Brendan Brazier, a name that's come up twice in two days, time for me to refer back to his book, The Thrive Diet, I think!  He's got a whole line of whole foods based products out there.  Check him out!  http://www.brendanbrazier.com/

This evening's headache is subsiding, I still feel a little cloudy, my eyes are heavy, I probably look exhausted, but I know in a few days my energy will be bumpin'.




  1. I will have to have to check out Viva Vegan when I get back, looks great! Keep it up, it'll get easier :)


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