Absence of Hope

I was just about to start a happy-go-lucky tale about work today when I saw the devastating news on Facebook that an old friend took his own life this week.

I'm shocked, stunned and saddened by this piece of news.  He was someone that so many looked up to, he was sensitive, insightful and talented.  He was smart.  He was good-looking.  He was special.

Man.  You just never know.

It's scary to think of that dark place he must have been in, a place we've all gone to, but luckily have found our ways out of, or generally for the most part.  I feel for his family.  I feel for his friends.  I feel for him.

Today at work there was a presentation by MADD Canada.  It stirred a lot of the students and some even had to excuse themselves from the auditorium.  It must have triggered painful stories in their hearts and left them wanting to abandon ship.

When the video was over, the speaker finished by reminding everyone that even though some of us may not have been affected by the dangers of impaired driving, it's possible that the person sitting right next to us has been.

4 people die each day in Canada because of impaired driving.

10 people die each day in Canada by committing suicide.

This morning, I never knew someone who became a victim of either.  Now, a whole lot has changed.  You may not know someone who's been affected by suicide, but I can guarantee you that you know many people affected by depression.

My friend T thinks people are brought to suicide because of an absence of hope.  That may be the scariest thought I've had in a long time.

Please.  Reach out.  Love people.  Fix problems.  Say you're sorry.  Talk it out.  You just never know.

Peace and love, to a brighter future,



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