How to Fail Gracefully

Nobody likes to accept defeat.  Especially when you've set something up for yourself and also broadcast it to several people.  A few, dozens, hundreds, whatever the case may be, the hardest person it is to admit defeat to, is yourself. 

This blog acts as a sounding board for me sometimes.  I don't always think about who might be reading it, I usually just let the words come out and then revise if it's too risqué.  Notice I've never posted anything that controversial, I'm a people pleaser to the core and my angry rants are saved for actual paper.  Besides, this blog is supposed to be all happy-go-lucky 'n stuff, nobody wants to hear about my depresso days.

Every now and then though, I like to recommit to my falability as a human.  I also don't ever want to project the image of perfection or act as though I've got it together on a daily basis, that would be inhuman, and nobody can relate to that.

So, let it be known, friends, family and strangers alike, I have failed. 

I had this great idea towards the end of June that I would motivate myself to make a cookbook.  I thought it'd be real easy to invent a recipe for each day before my birthday in October.  You may recall, I nicknamed it 99 for 29, real catchy-like.  Thing is, is that summertime is when I am least motivated to pursue personal endeavors, beyond taking it easy in the sun and going camping.  All sense of stability I feel supported by due to my work schedule, crumbles as I go on vacation. 

Everybody needs a vacation, even from themselves sometimes.  :)

I often surf the net looking for like-minded people to see where they're at in terms of their holistic path and everyone looks so goddamned happy.  I think being transparent is far more attractive, and it is who I am.

Last night after I did an improv show at the theatre, Sandi, the teacher, approached me and said good job with the offers I made on stage.  Cool, I thought, just trying to go for it, and she said one day you'll look back to these formative stages of improv and be happy you went through it.  This is where all the learning, and all the good stuff starts to take shape.  Eventually I'll feel more confident about my abilities and I can only hope the thrill never fades.

I've said it before and I'll say it again.  Health is a process, there will be gains and there will be failures, but making peace with those failures and taking a different perspective on things will only make the journey that much more rich.

99 for 29 will go down as a great idea, with lots of good intentions and even better preparation, but its downfall will always be that I put off making up a recipe one day too many.  If nothing else, this is a lesson in seizing the day.  I kept telling myself "Oh I'll just make up two tomorrow."  And then it was three, and then a week, and now it's 2 months later and I'm just ready to say a big FLUCK it.

How's that for risqué?  I know for a fact that some 12 year-olds read this.  :)




  1. It takes a lot of time for ideas to solidify, to reach a stage of fruition. I have a few things I've been working on for a long time and every once in a while I seem to make progress on it without even trying. Like you said, some failures along the road give a perspective you never would have had, they let you approach the idea from an entirely new angle. It's good that you recognize this, it's that you helped me remember this perspective exists. I forget, far too often. So thank you for that :)

    You have no idea who this is, hopefully. But Katie you rock, you're intelligent, funny and have a lot going for you (you're also very attractive, for the record). Keep at it, you'll get to wherever you want to be and I will do my best to remember that the road to wherever I'm heading is far from perfect.

  2. Well, the effort was there but summer vaca has been placed in our paths to derail us from all good intentions. The beginning of your cookbook was great. Made me want to try some dishes :) You could always write 5 in one day (I know the recipes are inside you somewhere).

  3. Ya'll are makin' me blush. Thanks for the compliments... Surely I'll get around to adding to that album eventually, or just merge it with another, we'll see...

    I went to my first Moksha yoga class today and was so nervous about "doing the right thing." Making sure I unrolled my mat like everyone else, that I placed my soppy towel somewhere appropriate after, that I didn't have mascara running down my face because surely I was the only one who wore makeup to hot yoga... Then I remembered, we define the rules. What's good or what's appropriate is what makes sense to us, and as long as we're polite, hell, that's the best we can do. We just need to place a bit more trust in ourselves, a little more each day.

    Awwwwww ;) Thank you people!


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