Soul to Soul

Wow, I'm so tired.  Brendan Brazier talks about how drinking coffee is like borrowing time for energy.  I totally feel like I'm paying it back now.  It's day one of my cleanse and I haven't gone a day without a coffee in ages.  All day I've felt zen, but now I just feel straight up zonked.  I've been reminding myself that it's for a good cause (my health), so it's worth it.

Here's the link to the cleanse I'm doing, in case you might be interested in trying it out: 

In short, no coffee, sugar, alcohol, and I have to start my day with a glass of lemon water, plus eat either kale, broccoli, cauliflower or brussel sprouts once daily.  Jae Steele insists on going to your personal extreme and not beyond, so for me that means it's okay if I eat the food I already have in my fridge, and in this case it's soy yogourt, which contains cane juice as a sweetener.  I had one this morning with unsweetened granola, sunflower seeds and dried apricots (which are delicious by the way, and an ancient superfood).  Later I had a rice cake with almond butter on it and a super boring kale salad with olive oil, garlic and sea salt for flavour.  I now have red quinoa cooking and I plan on making some sort of spicy carrot nori rolls with it.

When I dropped my lunch off in the staffroom fridge today, I couldn't help but notice the mountain of leftover cheese from Friday's grad ceremony.  My mouth watered, then I thought of the cows.  The cows!  This is a process!!  This afternoon I ate a peach and an orange and had a pot of pomegranate tea (non-caffeinated).  I took Gracie to the dog park after work and now, almost 7 pm, I'm feeling a bit cloudy and tired.  But a good tired.

I'm doing this cleanse because I pushed my body to an extreme in the last couple of weeks, and not in the exercising way, just in the busy-fun-irresponsible way so now I'm correcting myself.  And yes, my body spoke to me.  She pleaded for more sleep and so now I'm tuning in.

In the next few weeks I expect things to pick up once again as I'll be volunteering for the Fringe Festival, so I need to ensure I'm in good shape for that.  But I'm feeling good.  Feelin' groovy.

On my way back from the dog park, I locked eyes with a beautiful baby being carried by his dad.  We were at a red light.  You ever get that feeling that when a baby looks at you, they know things?  I swear this baby could see into me, into my being.  He smiled and it was like, "it's cool, Katie.  Life's alright."  It was so sweet, a pure connection, soul to soul.

Peace and tranquility,



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