100 Days of Writing - 51

Write what you know.

Why am I the right person to tell the story?

What do your characters want?

These questions, and more, haunt me.

Here's what I know:

I know what it is to love something that, at any moment, could break your heart.
I know what it's like to be a role model in a kid's eyes, and I know how to make life fun for them.
I know that consensus is hard and awkward, but worth striving for.
I know how to make people laugh, and not always at my expense.
I know how to help others think profoundly, if even just for a brief time.
I know how to step into the unknown and what it's like to see yourself on the other side.
I know that vulnerability is a bitch, but can stick up for you when you need it most.
I know anxiety.
I know depression.
I know that idealized romance is so much more fun that dating.
I know how to keep at least 5 plants alive for more than a year.
I know how to be a project manager.
I know that following your dreams can lead you to different places than you intended.
I know that those places are pretty damn cool but hard to reach.
I know that writing is an important part of who I am but that writing narratives don't come naturally to me.

I'm the right person to tell the story because of my lived experiences.  Because of the light and the darkness that I have seen. 

My characters want to see the light of day and know that being heard is validation in an otherwise unknown world.

I know some things.  And I keep on learning.



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