100 Days of Writing - 49

Here's a fun activity for you to do, that I had fun doing in class today.  I'm told it's a drinking game.

Get poetic and...

Describe your favourite colour.  What does it look like, how does it make you feel?

Describe your favourite animal.  What are its qualities that you love?

Describe a body of water that you know, that may be familiar to you.

And finally, you're in a white room.  Everything is white.  Describe how you're feeling in there.

Ready to find out what IT ALL MEANS?!???

Favourite colour: How you see yourself.
Favourite animal: How others see you.
Body of Water: You guessed it!  Your sex life.
White Box/Room: How you feel about death.

Wasn't that fun?  :)

I love that shit.



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