100 Days of Writing - 52

I changed my bedsheets today.  That's a win.

Did some polishing on a pitch document tonight, feeling pretty good about it.

I started this thing with a lack of a spark and here I am 50 days later with 2 shows that I'm stoked to start pitching.  I think it's been about honouring the inner voice and going after things that, like Marie Kondo would say, "Spark Joy."

I've been dealing with jealous feelings towards my classmates who came into the program with passion projects or clear stories they wanted to work on and develop.  Jealousy is ugly, and I don't do well when it's around.

But now, after putting some work into my ideas, and fleshing them out, I feel really good about them!  And they currently live in this safe space, my brain, and soon they will have eyes on them and I will have to manage the feelings I have towards them then.

I think though, the fact that I've developed them this far, and I have an actual pitch for them, they feel like they are living now.  Like they're breathing and want more, to come to life for real.  It's kinda cool!

Talk to me again after 50 no's though.  hehe.



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