Boom Chakralacka

I don't know about you, but the whole chakra system makes a lot of sense to me.  When certain parts of me are out of whack, I usually turn to its chakra for significance.  Believe it or not, thinking about chakras has helped reduce my tendency toward hypochondria.  It allows me to think about my ailments a little deeper and ask myself what's really going on in my life.

So lately my neck and throat have been bugging me.  I chalked it up to recovering from quitting smoking, but I still don't feel like my throat ever fully recovered.  Last night during the TV on the Radio concert it was killing me.  Stiff, achy and maybe even swollen.  Previous and recent hypochondriac response led me to a series of tests and as usual it turns out, I'm super healthy. Came up with squat.  Wow I actually sound disappointed.

The throat chakra is associated with communication, and the color blue.  Generally ailments in this area might indicate a difficulty in expressing one's creativity or inner self and feelings.  I feel like I've got that covered.  Since starting this blog I've been communicating in ways that are positive and empowering, I've opened the creativity tap and it hasn't stopped flowing since.  But I've also been spending a lot of time on this glowing laptop.  I'm practically on it from the time I get home until the time I go to bed.  It's got me under a spell.

My usage is becoming a problem, and I believe it's manifested itself in my neck.  I'm overcommunicating.  Not here, but on Facebook.  Facebook is taking over my free time, much like I believe it is taking over the internet as a whole. It keeps me up at night, and gets me out of bed in the morning.  That damn globe with the red numbers.  It sets something off in my brain! I'm pretty sure Mark Zuckerberg is slowly brainwashing us all.  It's fun, it's addictive, and that's why it's such a huge success.

I haven't been able to manage or responsibly moderate my computer time since getting the internet here, which coincides with the quitting smoking.  Since, my neck and head have been in a downward position staring at this screen for far too long each day and here I am writing/complaining about it.

I'm not about to sign off Facebook forever, but I'm happy that I'm going camping next week without it.  Three days where I can reconnect with what's real and true on this Earth - nature.  I'll be surrounded by teenagers, so they'll all be in withdrawal too.  Luckily they don't have internet in the woods. Or do they?  Furbook.

Cables and modems,



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