
Arright arright arright.  I get it.  32's the new 24, only wiser and better and more self-aware and cooler and cuter and all the rest of it.  So's I kicked off this year by giving a workshop on what the heck it is I do for a living.  9-5.  So's I got a lot of birthday shout outs.  So's I had dindin with my moms.  And my sister.  'Spose life is pretty good.

IT'S ON THE UPANDUP,  uppannnup.  Get your motor running...

Head out on the highway!

I don't even have much time to think about the impending trip to New York City happening this Friday.  By the grace of the Statue of Liberty, we have found kind homes to take us in, and so much laughter will be had at the sketchfest.  That's the New York City Sketch Comedy Festival, in case you haven't heard?  Oh yeah, we, Genius Gold that is, will be performing on the People's Improv Theatre's stage, IN MANHATTAN, on a Saturday night at 10:30.


Who am I kidding?  Nobody.  Or everybody.  Hopefully everybody, but in the laugh at my face way, and not the pretending I'm not totally stoked about this way.

I feel like I could retire from comedy after this weekend and feel like I've lived.  Buuuuut this is just the beginning.  Broadening out.  Expanding horizons.  Reaching out and making connections with the fine people of New York and beyond.  Chicago?  LA?  What's next my friends?  What's next?!

For now, I'll crack open another brew, watch some tube and end my fantastic birthday on a really dull and mundane note... cuz this weekend, we gonna party.

Love you all!!!  Almost all, k most of you.

No but seriously I love you.



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