Love at First Sight

I had a love at first sight moment this summer.  It was during JFL, and I stepped outside of a venue and locked eyes with Mr. Magnificent.  I smiled, came back to reality and then took a few steps away, feeling stunned.

Woah.  Did that just happen?  That was real, like it was understood, by both parties, what just happened.  Whoever we may have been in a past life were finally reunited and now we can start living again.

Timing, moments drenched in fate, tiniest choices that lead us places, it all comes together in that magic exchange.  I do believe in love at first sight, but I should have just left it at that.

Instead my curiosity piqued and I felt compelled to talk to the guy.  How could I let this opportunity pass me by?  This is it, I thought to myself, THIS IS IT.

Well it wasn't it.  Ha.  Nope, just another Katie getting carried away moment, but I like to reinvent the exchange in my mind and pretend we're engaged and living in a house with a backyard and a garden now.

Life really is too funny.  I just watched 500 Days of Summer so I guess that's why fate is on my mind but if you've ever had a moment like that with someone, you know how engrossing it is.  You can't not give in and explore a little bit, you'd never forgive yourself right?

But is that how it goes with every relationship that comes our way?  Assuming you're single, or even if you're taken like Mr. Magnificent was, there must have been people you were drawn to for whatever reason and for a predetermined amount of time that left their mark right?

It's hard for me not to get caught up in that way of thinking.  That means I'd have to give every poor guy a fighting chance at breaking through the thick barriers to my heart... but most don't even get a coffee.

I met a stranger at Snack n Blues last night who caught me off guard with his accurate description of my ultimate flaw.  Spoiler alert: my heart's in need of a new suspension system.  It gets knocked around by all of life's bumps like paddleball.

Anyhoo, long story short, I do believe that people come into your life for a reason.  This guy literally walked in, sat down for 5 minutes across from me, hit me where it hurts and then left.  BOOM.  How's that for fate knocking at your door?  Time for a reality check, Katie.  Also, perhaps you need to be a bit more discerning when it comes to letting people sit at your table.

What gets me though, is when a presence seems to elongate itself.  When you think someone is on their way out of your periphery, they kind of just linger, longer than you expected and show up unannounced just as you're getting your shit together.  Maybe, just maybe I can stretch this out a little longer, but somehow, I know, it's not up to me.  Everything is up in the air.

I did see Mr. Magnificent again, we brushed shoulders at Segal's and I stopped myself from saying hello.  Sometimes it's just eye contact.

Peace and love and REAL LIFE,



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