
Oh hey, it's July, and I haven't posted in well over a month.  That's a long stretch for me but my fingers are ready to start typing again.

In fact, all kinds of stories have been implanting themselves in my head, so this blog may be taking on a different flave for a while.

All month long, almost every day that I look at the date (I'm on vacation, so sometimes I don't bother), but each day that I've noticed, my brain registers it as an important date.  Much like you acknowledge it's someone's birthday before you wish them a happy one, the days in July sound important to me.  July 18th, today the 21st, etc.  Nothing particularly exciting is going on, but I can only figure that down the line, this will have been an important time in my life, for whatever reason.

When we started shooting Ogoki, we being a collective of awesome actors, comedians, directors, writers and geniuses, I was having deja-vu all weekend.  In my existential opinion, deja-vu occurs when you are on the right path.  Little brainmarks to tell you you're doing alright.  I've been told it could be a sign of seizures, but I prefer imagining that I'm a totally healthy person connected to the divine.  Hahahaaha.

Anyway, all this to say that things are moving along pretty interestingly.

I went to New Brunswick last week and it gave me a chance to reorganize my life.  Coming back from a trip is always so depressing to me because you have to reintegrate into the chaos of your own city.  I made a list of goals that I'd like to work on to move towards a more organic type of lifestyle.  And by organic, I just mean flow.

No need to push things, just let them happen.  Just like the tides in the Bay of Fundy.  Millions of tonnes of water are dumped in and then swept out twice daily and it's incredible to watch.  Low tide and high tide are things to look forward to on a daily basis, but in this city, detours and construction seem to be natural order of things.  Gotta make my own flow!

Peace and love and tides,



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