
Wow, I just noticed it's been 16 years to the day since Jeff Buckley died.  Interesting, as I was thinking today about my visit to the Mississippi river back in August, my own way of paying tribute to my most cherished musician.

I've written about my experience before, of almost dying in quicksand after I foolishly took steps toward the muddy river's edge, wanting to dip my feet in the same body of water he died in.  I escaped by pulling my legs out of the knee-deep mud and crawling to safety.  As fate would have it there was a man with a hose on a ferry nearby who cleaned me off before I returned to my car feeling lucky.  I still wonder if I'd had to yell if the man with the hose would have heard me.

I hold Jeff Buckley largely accountable for helping me survive the rollercoaster of emotions I rode in high school.  I discovered him by accident, probably a few months after he died because MusiquePlus was airing a concert he'd played a short while before in Chicago (I think).  Although the pub was only 30 seconds, it took me an instant to fall in love with the sound of his voice and I still have the taped show on a VHS cassette to this day.

I guess you could say there are the shortest quips of moments in life that pique your attention and can really altar the course you're on.  Or at least provide some support and or quality tunes.

It's those moments we live for isn't it?  For the good anyway.

So here's to you, ole Jeff Buckley, rest in peace and thank you for your immortal Grace.

Peace and love,



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