Turn the Page

I realized that 7 months from today I will turn 31.  It's hard to believe 5 months have already flown by since my 30th birthday.

And more than ever before, I realize it's time to turn a new page in my life.

If you know me well, you know how often I self-analyze.  I mean this blog is a true testament to that.  Yes I'm really good at looking on the brighter side of things but what you don't know is that I struggle with this every day.

When I started this blog two years ago, I had a profoundly different outlook on life.  I was positive all the time, I was eating well, I was outgoing and felt like I had zero stress finally.  But that was after making a drastic change in my health habits - eating raw foods - and discovering myself as a whole person.  It was a beautiful process, and though I do feel that person is still a big part of me, I've lost touch with her of late.

I think shedding a skin is a natural occurrence, I've talked about lobsters before - how they go to the reef to shed their shell, in order to grow a new one, and while they are exposing their inner selves, they are at their most vulnerable to predators and the elements.

My inner self has been trying to shed a skin for a couple of months now, after coming face to face with the qualities and habits that I've developed over the past year that no longer have a place in my life.  It was pretty easy to determine what they were - but harder for me to accept them.  And even harder to start acting on them.

So here I sit, having made an important thank-you call to the person that's helped me face all this, and I now I feel like I can get back to living my life, lighter, healthier, and more positive than ever before.




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