Let's do this thang

Those moments you catch yourself doing something terribly human are priceless in terms of honoring your spirit and taking a step forward.

We're just a bunch of silly animals trying to get along and be happy ya know?

My friend accidentally started humming the Wedding March while browsing pictures of a cutie she likes.  PRICELESS.

I puffed up my peacock tail last night at a swanky little joint trying to impress someone sitting in the corner.  Brought me right back to high school when I'd break into my Molly Shannon impression for a dude 3 grades older than me in the hopes he'd catch a glimpse and instantly realize I'm exactly what his life needed.  :)

I'm in a lighthearted mood and these are the best times to have a good laugh at your own expense.  Life needn't be SO SERIOUS all the time.  Those times I feel like banging my head on the wall repeatedly because of some failure is totally funny right now.  It's not in the moment, but when clarity sends a breath of fresh air your way, enjoy it.  Laugh at all those silly mistakes you've made, because you've survived them so far, and why not just give yourself a pat on the back for trying.

Oh man... 2014... it's you and me babe.  We're gonna do this!

Bon Iver and I love you,



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