Motion of the Ocean

I was most surprised by the foot-long piece of computer I found on the beach that morning. Not the pieces of plastic, not the rope, but this modern day technological junk.  Once state of the art, now, shipwrecked on the beach in New Brunswick.  The ocean spat it out.

After a heavy storm, you're more likely to find unique pieces of ocean excess along the beach, aren't you?  That's the hope at least, thinking about the heavy winds and the big waves and what lies within its vastness.  What sort of treasures might wash ashore today?

I've been flirting with the ocean in my meditations this week.  I've always felt a great deal of peace by the water, especially the ocean, and not only is my appreciation for it represented in two of my tattoos, but the coast is in my DNA.

I see the debris before me.  Sometimes I have trouble identifying what it is or where it came from, but I know that somehow it found its way into me and has now surfaced due to some sort of inner storm.  Now I could ogle it like the computer motherboard, snap a picture and walk away, or I could collect it and treasure it like my jar of seaglass from this summer.

That's the catch about our problems, our struggles and our habits.  It's so easy to want to throw them out, burn them or pretend like they're not polluting our lives, it's harder to look at them for what they are, and give the right kind of care so that they can become somewhat respected as a piece of who we once were.  Of what we're struggling with.

It's not easy to do, that's for damn sure, but it's all about perspective.

The ocean within has been here since the dawn of our time, and has seen its way through some hellish storms.  We accumulate memories, or baggage as we like to call it, but the truth is, they will always be a part of our system.  Change the way you see those flaws in yourself and they lose their ugliness.  The memory remains, a part of our depth.

Peace and love and wind chimes,



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