Stand Up.

Sitting in my favorite café at 9:35 on a Saturday morning.  I can definitely say I've never done this before, but have always admired the people I peek in on when I drive by, should I be up this early on a weekend.  I always find people look so cozy inside a café, warm cup of coffee by their side.

I spent the night taking pictures of friends and I was too eager to look at them, so here I am.  My friend Lise was doing stand-up at a loft and she asked me to take some shots during her set.  I happily obliged and am happy I went; she was very funny and we ended up hanging out at TSC after with a couple other hooligans, laughing the night away. 

Lise and I were talking about standup on the way to the theatre.  It's got to feel like the most vulnerable experience you could put yourself in.  You're on-stage, in front of a group of people, with a spotlight and microphone... being yourself.  All eyes on you.  I honestly can't tell you what makes a successful stand-up, other than a funny one of course, but I'm sure it has something to do with perseverence.  Just keep getting up there, telling jokes.

My dad always encouraged me to pursue stand-up.  I may be funny onstage, but that's because I get to hide myself inside a character.  I've never been good at recounting funny experiences with the same hilarity as when they occured, but I'd say my oral story-telling skills are definitely improving.  So that's a start.  I just need to keep getting up there, wherever "there" may be.  The stage, the classroom, the café, wherever, moving forward, being myself.

Peace and love and coffee,



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