It's about potatoes

This week we returned to Zephyr Farm on week 5 of our volunteer exchange.  The kids are loving it, the farmer's loving it and I'm so totally loving it.  Digging my hands through the earth in search of something intentionally nutritious is more satisfying than anything I've done in a long time.  It taps into a part of me that once layed dormant.

Caring about food.  Caring about where it comes from and how it ends up in the supermarket, in our bags, in our homes and in us.  Seeing the potatoes, tomatoes, squash or raspberries I helped pick wind up at the market or in baskets is so cool!  To know I'm directly helping nourish kids and families and people is a really unique experience and one I hope I can continue doing in the future.

Everyone involved is greatful.  Showing up every Tuesday has been such a treat, I look forward to smelling the tomato vines and the kale field, seeing how everything looks this week and watching the leaves turn bright yellow and deep red... it's awesome.

I'd love to give a retreat at the peak of harvest time and take a group of women or girls to a farm where they can be a part of the process.  Harvest the food that will nourish them and their spirit and understand that the Earth is offering us all the essentials.  It's all here for us, we just need to be reminded. 

This week I brought a group of 15 year old girls who are, and I'm sure they'd agree with me, a little boy-crazy.  It's amazing what the field conjures up in conversation, what triggers what I can't tell you but at one point I had to redirect their focus: "It's not about boys, it's about potatoes."

And that was enough to give them a giggle and remind them why they're here.  They ended up being one of the most productive teams I brought and they kept a smile on their face the whole time.  I think this program is turning into a life-changer, and hopefully not just for me.

Harvesting vegetables has become my ultimate meditation.  It's rare I feel as focused as I do when I'm out there, and I think it has a lot to do with the natural surroundings.  I want to absorb as much wisdom from the fields and the foods as I can.  I know it's cheesy.  But it's so incredible. 

Peace and love, cukes and zukes,


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