When I was fourteen, my cousin Kate came to stay with us for the summer.  She and I, although living on separate ends of the country, have been close forever.  We used to perform shows for family at get-togethers, Bert and Ernie in particular, she was Ernie because she was short and at the time I was a lot taller than her, so I got Bert.  I could probably still do Bert justice if needed.

Anyway, that summer we had a camcorder and made the awesomest of home videos, though sadly it has been misplaced between East and West coast.  We made commercials, sang songs and also moped about our teenage insecurities.  Kate was playing with her hair in one of the shots and began commenting on her double chin.  I never knew double chins existed, or I guess I never noticed.  But ever since then, I've kind of had a complex about my own chin.  It was made worse when I got braces at 19 and my orthodontist suggested plastic surgery to correct the alignment of my face.

Bad enough I had to wear braces at that age, but I needed plastic surgery?  Pfff thanks... One more layer to deal with.  As time aged on, so did my face.  Ha.  I'm only 29, it's been ten years since someone suggested I fix it, yet the idea of correction still sits heavily on my personal insecurity.

So today, as a wonderful news piece about the farm project I'm doing aired on CBC, all I could notice was my big FAT double chin.  Ugh...  I should have opted for a better angle.  All in all it was a positive experience, I was really worrying about the concept of selling myself on the news like that, but it's a totally cool thing these kids are doing and why not share some good news for a change right?

Some people don't mind putting bad pictures of their friends on the internet.  They might even tag you. Some don't mind disclosing personal details not belonging to them.  Some people gossip.  Some people overshare.  And some people, like me, just want to spread the good vibes.  It's all about good vibes.  Now please send some good vibes to my second chin so it can disappear and I will no longer require a face lift or chin implant, k?


Potatoes and t.v. cameras,



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