She said butt

I went to watch my niece's hockey game today.  It was at the Canadien's practice arena, so it was kind of cool to check it out, it's very nice.  Regardless of how you feel about the Habs this season, it's something to see where they practice.

Sitting in the cold, watching the girls play, sipping a mint tea, I thought about how much I valued the warm spot I created for myself.  I stood up momentarily to help my 2 year old nephew out and had to wiggle around to find my it again when I sat back down.  It was somewhere approximately 6 inches to the right of my tea.

You know what I'm talking about, when you sit somewhere cold and your butt warms it up nice, you don't want to stray, at the risk of losing the perfectly warmed location for your tush.  You grow attached to it and it's so frustrating to start a new one.

It dawned on me that this was the perfect analogy for relationships. I know it's a stretch, but hear me out.

I think at times we grow accustomed to the comfort we find in another person, even if it pains us to stay with them.  It's a familiar place, and we make excuses for ourselves because the thought of leaving and starting something new is way too daunting.  What we forget is that there is freedom in moving on, changing the pace and welcoming new surroundings.  Staying in the same spot for too long will numb you, just like it numbs your butt to stay seated for longer than necessary.  We need change, we need "new."

There is hope.  There is future.  There is comfort in new people, in ourselves and on chilled benches across the world.  We just have to remember that the smoother you ease into something, the more comfortable you'll be.  Carry yourself well, and before you know it, the right person just sort of shows up in your life.  It's kind of crazy.

The Hellacopters,



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