So New York.

Well New York, I love you.  It's taken me a few weeks to really process the whole experience, but here I am, finally sitting down to write about it.

We left Saint-Henri at 8 am, Campanelli lattes and coffees in tow.  The jokes started immediately as we rolled down highway 15, but soon Erin and Alain fell asleep in the back seat of my Nissan Versa, with the rolling sound of pavement beneath us.  Our first stop for gas welcomed us with a cute lil' pumpkin patch, the kind you make delicious pies with.  As we drove through the Adirondacks, the Fall colors wrapped us up with a sense of warmth and a timely purpose.  That, and the blasted sun kept overheating us.  My ears popped the entire drive, and I'm not sure why - I seemed to be the only one.  Must be that American air.

We arrived at our Brooklyn Air BnB in the late afternoon and settled in nicely.  4 bunk beds with terrible mattresses (except for Erin's, as Lise and I would later find out), it would do just fine.  A while later we hit the subway and headed down to the People's Improv Theatre, where we would meet up with the rest of our comedy cohort, Keith, Lucie and even McStevie came down to say hi.

United in New York City, here we were, ready to expose our funny bones to the rest of the world.  We had a bite to eat and took in the sights, basking in the fun of it all.

In true New York spirit, Erin, Lise and I would witness a group of teenage dancers take over the subway train on our way home, fist-bumping these flying acrobats as they twirled around the metal poles to some really fat beats.  So New York.  On our way back to Manhattan the following day, we even got to witness a real pick-pocket in action!  So New York.  "I see you!  I know what you're doing!" said the target's wife, looking out for him. The husband had only moments before been harassing people to make their way into the packed subway car.  "You're either in or you're out, put a move on it!"  So new York. People just say what's on their minds in that city, there's no filter, and I kinda like it.

When it was finally our turn to show the city our moves, we nailed it, in the existential way Genius Gold does.  After absorbing my desire to nervous-puke, I got into Old Man Sally mode and the rest of the night moved smoothly.  Hearing New Yorkers laugh felt really good.  Seeing them lose balance in their seats from laughing so hard felt even better.  Sally has international appeal.  I feel lucky.

It stirred something.  Like how a strong gust of wind can stir up the fallen leaves on the street corner, a whirlwind of autumn that has come out to dance before settling down again, I feel my inner comedian has been summoned, but I have no intention of suppressing her any longer. It can be challenging to try and balance a love for performing comedy and a full-time career, but I have a feeling this year will mark many firsts, and New York was... the first of firsts.

Beyond the awesome bonding time we had in New York, having seen the very place where Alain sold Christmas trees one Winter long ago, seeing the methadone zombies in Union Square Park and the tweaked out squirrels, Greenwich Village, eating delicious New York pizza, navigating the subway system to Rockafeller Plaza, capturing a moment with the Empire State building, staring at the New York city skyline and walking amongst the hipsters in Williamsburg, this ole gal saw something very important: opportunity.

In 2 and a half days, I came to understand what I've suspected all along.  New York is where it's at.  Two turn-tables and a microphone, it's where it's at.  The larger-than-life, movie-set feel to it all, how I already adore that city.  The question remains... will it be a one-night stand, or a one-Life stand?

Montreal, we'll see.  We'll see.

Bahamas is Afie,


The drive home was long and stubborn, but thank god we started playing a bad North American pun game for the better part of the drive.  I think I almost killed us from laughing so hard behind the wheel.  I also fell in love with a toll-booth officer who let me do a U-ee to get us back on the right track.  Life's never boring when there's detours!  SCRANTON!!!!!!


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