Mercedes Benz

Recently my niece turned 16 years old.  I was 16 years old when she was born.  She was the first glimpse I had into babyhood and I have to say I was hooked from the start.

She was a crier, and often I would try my best to console her, thinking her young hip auntie had the magic touch.  When my sister would visit our home in Saint-Hilaire and she would cry,  I played my Janis Joplin Pearl record for her and walked her up and down our long hallway, calming her.  Something about Janis' wail must have seemed familiar to my little bundle, because she would stop crying.

I gave Sarah that very same album for her sweet 16 just a few weeks ago.  I framed it.  She even likes Janis Joplin today, as I made sure to tell her the stories of holding her in my arms as a youngin,' singing Cry Baby as loud as I could, on purpose.

It's really the only time she'll be half my age, and I, double hers.  I felt the need to relay her some important information about growing older.  I bought us matching pins in New York, 2 birds.  Spread your wings I told her, just as I'm really learning to finally spread mine.

This funny thing happens when you hit a certain age, or when you have enough pressure, you feel the need to hunker down and work on a career of sorts or at least something that will help you live a really decent life.  My fall-back plan happened before I had the chance to fall back though, which is what I've come to realize recently.

My own birthday passed not too long ago and my sister, Sarah's mom, praised me for pursuing my passions, comedy, performance, etc.  I got all teary eyed at the dinner table as she said these kind words to me, partially because I knew I had, and partially because I know I haven't.  Not enough anyway.  But, I happily declare, there's been a new dawn... dawned/dawning.  I see the light, as if for the first time, and my instincts tell me to follow it, just like those dumb moths do in the summer.  I can't help but be drawn to what I am drawn to.  Can't help who or what you love.  I've just gotten really good at cautioning myself.  We've all seen the dead bugs surrounding the lights... better to burn out than to fade away?

Moths totally party as hard as Joplin herself, don't they?  I'd like to think so.

Funny, I used Mercedes Benz in my audition into Dawson's theatre program.  Go figure.

Finding the right time to pursue your passions is like planning for a baby.  You can never be totally prepared, no matter how many diapers you buy or however many awesome soothing tricks you have up your sleeve.  Let it out.  Cry like a baby.  Someone will be there to console you.  ;)

Barr Brothers,


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