I'm in the Navy

This is it.  This is life.  This is what you get. What you gonna do about it?

I juiced this morning, hoping it would be the magical tonic that would see me through another Winter day.

It's been brutal folks, not going to lie.

I know a lot of people are susceptible to the Winter blues, and I feel like I'm in the deep navy hues right now.  Not that it's seasonal depression that's getting me down necessarily, but it's just all the junk that surfaces in me and the rest of Montreal at this point in the season.

In some ways, in ways you can't ignore, Winter really gives you the opportunity to deal with your own inner climate as a result of succumbing to outside circumstances, harsh weather and harsh folks.  At least this has been my experience in the last couple of years.

The feeling of snow melting in your boot, wet socks, heavy coats, heavy thoughts... whatever triggers you, I know it can get pretty ugly.

Sometimes I read old posts I've written to remind myself of some of the wisdom I know I carry but lose touch with on crappy days.  The whole "people as mirrors" concept is back on my mind.

I've heard a lot of voices of friends, colleagues and family members tell me lately that nasty people are just unhappy with themselves, and take it out on you, out of jealousy or feeling threatened.

I'm told by many that I'm a sensitive person and I know that to be Fact.  Too sensitive most of the time as I have a tendency to internalize other people's feelings and they become my own.  It's a weird thing I've done since childhood and it goes way beyond empathy.  It's not a healthy habit.  Sure it allows me to feel intensely for other people but I also have a hard time shaking it off when it gets bad.

Sometimes I wonder whose feelings I'm really walking around with.

That's a scary question to ask myself, actually...

Do you take your work home with you?  I mean not physically but emotionally?  I'm making a sweet living doing things that I love but it ain't always peaches and cream.

When you work with people, as most of us do I assume, how do we separate our true selves from our work selves?  How do you do that when your work is your life?  I mean fundamentally, if you're doing the work you're meant to be doing, as I strongly feel about my job, how do you not carry that with you everywhere you go?

I recently changed my work title on my Facebook page.  I finally owned up that I'm a spiritual community animator because this year more than ever I realize in some ways it's my calling. For now and hopefully a long time it is.  But I'm still human.  And I still gots my feelings to deal with.

I was responding to a letter I received today that caused me some grief and started unconsciously humming the chorus to "Have a Little Faith in Me."  Gabrielle Bernstein would call this tuning in to your ing.  (Your inner guide)

It made writing the letter so much easier.  Human.  Less emotional and more honest.  So guys, have a little faith in yourselves k?  Cuz you're awesome.  Now listen to this song and bring it home, feel the love, Winter's almost over.

John Hiatt and it's going to get better,


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