Chunky Soup

Every now and then, Facebook really comes through.

A share from an old friend just taught me everything I needed to learn about the shit month I've had.

The video is of a little girl interacting with rain for the first time.  Soaked, she loves it.  I just watched it four times in a row, it's so satisfying, and it's what I needed to see to let go of the yuck I've been feeling for about a month.

A car wreck claiming total loss of my vehicle, shitty coworkers who take out their feelings on me, unfortunate circumstances, sickness... full circle ya'll!

I've been wanting to write something thoughtful for a few weeks, as my little bloggity blog is about to turn 3.

That's past diapers, terrible twos, spit-up and wet sheets if you're super lucky, now the blog is fairly interactive, and is developing feelings of its own.  Okay so yeah it's not a baby but sometimes it feels like it is.

I started writing when I was on a raw food kick.  If you want to experience the best life possible, eat raw.  It's the best drug available to you at a low cost in comparison to the drugs you might consume as an alternative to pleasure.

For whatever attracted reasons, I've been somewhat of a punching bag in my professional life as of late.  This week I finally felt like the tables had turned when I booked a great speaker for a few schools and then life was all like "no!"  and a very disgruntled human being took out their misery on me on a Friday morning.  Spew.

I spent the afternoon sorting goods at a warehouse for a street kid organization and that kind of made up for the mess I've been living these past couple of weeks.

I got all teary when I came across a box of chunky soups, the same I'd purchased with the money raised from a benefit show back in November.  Emotionally delusional I wondered if these could be the same ones I'd picked up with the couple hundred bucks we raised before Christmas.

There's a process to giving.  It's not as straight-forward as you might expect.  People tend to pay attention to food drives at Christmas because it's the season of giving and whatnot, but people are in need year-round.  You put a can into a box, destined for a warehouse, destined for people, destined for nourishment.

The can or the bag of pasta you might donate has to be triaged and placed in the appropriate location in order for it to reach the intended individual.  And if you're donating anything electric (like the can opener I saw today), consider the street value of said donation... also that can of oysters you never got around to - might not be that helpful in the long run.

Still, anything and everything helps, right?  As long as it's not expired.  Check the date before you give it away because even if pasta and canned beans last forever, if there's no date it's not likely to get anywhere.

Regardless, giving feels good, so do it.  Why would I shit on you for being a good person?

Perhaps what I am considering here is being a good person in general.  I know February sucks as a whole in Montreal, but remember that everyone is trying to make it through as well.  You're not the only one who wants to break their car in half when shoveling it out, or who wants to push someone to the ground when they're in your way, but have a heart k?

We're people too, and we're doing our best.  Whatever "good" you're giving, see it through.  Be good to people, it'll go a long way.  Whether it came in "can" form (see the metaphor people), please go the extra length to change someone's day, I guarantee you it'll change yours.

And when you feel the rain, or the snow, or the ridiculous wind on your shoulders, and you want to throw a fit and tell everyone to fuck off, take a moment and remember how pure it really is.  It'll help.

Does this make sense?


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