Things I have learned suffering from the flu

It's been 15 years since I've felt this sick.  The last time I got the flu was way back in '98, right before the ice storm.  I remember it like it was yesterday.  A couch-ridden, soppy mess, but at least I had cable.  Now, at thirty, I'm grateful to have the internet to waste my day away trying to recover.  So here are a few things I've learned, as a grown-up, about the flu.

1. Keep kleenex on-hand, and if it turns brown, you probably have an infection.
2. Be sure to get out of bed to move your car in the morning, because the city of Montreal doesn't care if you are immobile, they'll still give you a ticket.
3. Don't start more than one book in a day, because you can't read either at once.
4. Your dog will still love you, no matter what.
5.  People will still think you're attractive, even though they can't see you right now.
6.  Throw a few drops of spearmint oil into your humidifier, it's nice.
7.  Yes, drink fluids, but only because you can't eat much.
8.  Don't go to a concert even if you want to.  Chuck Ragan, I'll make it up to you on the Revival Tour in March, sorry dude.
9.  Talking to mom always makes you feel better.
And finally,
10.  Let people console you, it feels nice, even if you're a grown-up.

Here's to the flu season and the ocean of emotional and physical release it offers you .......



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