Personal debris

When was the last time you sat in a principal's office?  I had a great heart to heart with mine today and it was super helpful.  Sometimes life-guides show up in the packages you least expect, but I was so grateful for the wisdom she imparted.

I tend to be a little unorthodox in my approach to youth, and my work for that matter.  Not that I don't understand professional protocol, it's just that sometimes I might be making a collage and it's totally justified, because that's the kind of thing I get to do in my work.

I speak to kids and treat them like equals, regardless of age.  Yeah I throw in my quirky habits that get 'em to smile but it also helps to get them to talk.  That's what I'm here for.

Anyway, I worked on something recently that created a bit of disturbance among some coworkers.  Not the first time, I'll tell you that much.  Suffice it to say that "I" wasn't the problem... it was the junk I left in the hallways that created an issue.  Understandable.

If only we could identify all the debris that we leave behind us huh?

Beyond the cigarette ashes, the empty coffee cups, the stacks of old mail, the things we don't really see are the things I'm thinking about here.  The impressions we leave on people, the things we have no control over, but hope for the best outcomes, the impact, and yeah our interpersonal footprint.

When we speak up when we see something as wrong, but feel isolated for speaking the truth, or acting to prevent the inevitable... and are left questioning ourselves, doubting it all.  It's hard to remember that we're doing these things with good intentions.  We're good people!  But maybe we're a bit sensitive too, I know I am.

Developing a thicker skin has been a project I've been working on for the past year and while at some points it got a little confusing to draw the line between my ego and my truth, it's getting there now.  It's always about operating from a place of love and good intention, and knowing when you are faced with conflict, acknowledging that perhaps not all people are on the same page.

Hmmm... debris vs. baggage.  What do we drop off and what do we hold on to?  I'd love to check out the unclaimed baggage department in the Universal Souls department... some real gems I'm sure.




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