Daddy Mojo

I wound up in a loft-shop in the Mile End Friday night surrounded by half a dozen jamming musicians and guitar parts.  In Daddy Mojo's shop, a guy whose signature is making really cool cigar box guitars.  Although I didn't get to hear how one of them sounds, I'm pretty sure most of the guitars and a bass were made there.  I'll admit I felt slightly inadequate at first, what with my absolute inability to play a single instrument, but eventually I warmed up to the high hat on a drum set.  I just had to google the correct name for what I otherwise would refer to as cymbals, just so you know where I'm coming from.

I dream of songs almost nightly.  I dream that I can sing and hear the most beautiful lyrics and sounds I could imagine, but they disappear the second I open my eyes in the morning.  Sometimes I feel crippled by this, because I've always loved music so much but just can't make it happen.  I have rhythm, and that's a start and hanging around my musician friend is opening things up a little more, but but but.  There's always a but.

I should stop making excuses huh?!

I remember being about 11 years old and intensely praying to God that my piano teacher would cancel because I hadn't practiced my scales all week.  Our antique, out-of-tune piano with markered "do re mi" stains on the keys mostly collected dust in the basement.  Once my prayers actually worked.  :)

I have interests in so many things, theatre, photography, writing... I find that I do a little bit of everything in spurts, but it seems my attention span wanes eventually and I move on to something else.  It makes me wonder about those people that are multi-instrumentalists, who can pick up anything and play it by ear.  They must have access to a different part of the brain that others don't.  Or maybe it is just talent.

Regardless, my interest these days seems to be in photography, so uhh.. practice makes perfect right?!

Keep at it.  ;)



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