Move it or Lose it

So in case you haven't heard, I'm moving.  I've been talking about it for a couple of months now, and cannot wait to get into my new place.  I signed the lease today and move in on the 18th!

My current building was purchased in July by a numbered company.  Like 90210 Canada Inc.  I don't even have a name for the landlord.  All I know is that he's Russian, and so are all the guys he's hired to gut and renovate all the apartments, at our expense.  The building's maintenance has gone down the drain and the communal hallway would still be covered in an inch of dust if my 82 year old neighbor hadn't swept and mopped.

It's led me to hate where I live and resent these walls.  Needless to say a move couldn't be a better option for me.

I started going through my things about a month ago, and it's dredging up some pretty intense emotions.  Pictures, letters and pieces of paper from a lifetime ago.  A lot of "Oh yeah" moments.  I guess they serve as awesome reminders of how I got here and where I want to go.  Nevertheless, going through my things is giving me the opportunity to purge and downsize.  Letting go of some of the furniture and belongings I've acquired over the years is proving to be quite cathartic.

I gave away some pretty sweet dressers that belonged to the ex yesterday.  He left them behind since I'd given my own up when we merged lives.  They're black and retro, and are going to a very happy young lady and her man, so that's a good thing.  Before they arrived to pick them up, I made sure to dust the tops and bless each drawer with a kiss and wish for love and joy.

Furniture is witness to our daily lives, the ups, the downs, the drama... and sometimes I wonder if they don't pick up the energy we emit.

I honestly haven't been able to keep clothes in those dressers for months.  I have a -chair-, that has become a giant, plump hanger, piled high with clothes, just because I couldn't stand using the actual dresser two feet away.

Yeah, my room's a mess.  So's yours.

For the first time in my life I am so looking forward to purchasing new furniture, without a story, without a past, beyond the machines that made them, and perhaps the tree they came from.  I'll imagine a forest fairytale for my future dressers.

I used to wear a lot of hand-me-downs and second hand clothes.  In fact, almost everything I own came from somewhere else, save for my Ikea futon and black bookshelf.  I once wrote a story about a girl who became her clothes' previous owners, their traits soaked into the fibres of the garment.  I suppose that's kind of creepy.

In any case, life is about to become brand new again, and I am stoked.

So cheers to change and hurray for victory.  Manoir Old Orchard, here I come.

Yeah Yeah Yeahs,



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