Be Mine

I always get nostalgic for 90s music when I spend Valentine's Day on my own. I suppose it's because I spent most of the 90s as a single lady.  Mind you I was 8 when they started but 17 when they ended so that's a big emotional gap.

I'm listening to Portishead's Dummy and singing along to what I can remember, which is most of it.  I used to stand in my bedroom as a teenager, boombox on dresser, antennae acting as microphone, belting out the often-bizarre sounding vocals of Beth Gibbons.  It helped me rid myself of angsty teenage feelings and recently I decided to take the time to remember lyrics of the music I enjoy so I can do it again.  It's therapeutic for me, even if my singing voice sucks.  :)

The most memorable Valentine's Day for me was probably the first one I spent with my high school boyfriend, G.  I was so happy to finally have a boyfriend on Feb. 14th that when I bought the card I didn't notice the giant "To My Husband" on the front.  I was halfway out the store before I saw it, next to the big fuzzy red heart.  I evaded that embarrassing situation and I think he made me a mix CD, which I still have today - featuring awesome tracks such as "Hey, Johnny Park", and a bunch of other good stuff I would list for you if it wasn't packed away in a box somewhere.  We had nicknames for each other and made up words like "triz" which meant "yeah, for real," while also meaning "super cool/very."  I'm using a lot of quotes tonight, that's kind of 90s too, I'm sensing a theme.

I could spiral into how that relationship fizzled, but the truth is, I'm in a lighter mood than I thought I'd be this evening.  I feel like maybe I should bring the humour out of old relationships as opposed to dwelling on how they failed.  I mean, that's what Valentines' Day is all about, remembering how shitty your life is cuz you're single, right?  Don't tell me you're not thinking that.  That is, unless you're out on a calèche ride or skating somewhere romantic tonight.  That actually happens, by the way.  I know two people planning to do those two activities with their significant others.

Nope.  Not me.  Instead, I decided to spend the night reflecting and writing and drinking a glass of wine.  Well, jar of wine, I'm moving after all.  I wrote a song earlier, because even though I may feel a little bit lonely this Valentine's, I'm damn proud of myself for packing my life up and moving on to a much better place.  Both physically and emotionally, it's been a bit of a rollercoaster of late.  So without further ado, here's my 90s whiny, twangy country song about my life in Casa del Grand coming to an End, but you'll have to read it; like I mentioned: my singing sucks.  :)

Casa del Grand

I'm drinking wine from a jar
I'm eating noodles with a spoon
Stacked high in boxes
I must be moving soon

I feel the coffee grinds
On my kitchen floor
My feet are dirty
My hands don't want anymore

All those nooks and crannies
That hold this story
A story I hope to tell
When I'm old

It's been three years
Since I moved in here
But there's been a change
In the atmosphere

Can't always predict
How to weather the storm
But one thing's for sure
A new life is born

It's time to go
It's time to fly
Head on out
With your head held high

Go, go.
See me again
On the other side

Peace and so much love,

-Go listen to something awesome.  And drink some wine.  Then call your loved ones and tell them you love them.  Grampa, I'll call you tomorrow. ;)


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