Long Island Katie

Sometimes I start writing a blog entry and I'm not sure what I want to talk about.  They start and then they stay half-completed.

Hopefully this won't be another one of those.

What I've noticed over the past three years is that if I don't write when the inkling hits me then I lose the inspiration and the words seem to disappear.  Sometimes the thought or topic will brew for a little while and then I can hash it out, but most of the time it's gone by the end of the day.

I guess I'm in a state of constant reflection where I pull some common themes together and weave them into a little journal entry on here.  Themes this week: relationships, drama, music, friendships, beliefs...

I've been watching a constant stream of Long Island Medium in the past 7 days or so.  I've breezed through almost 3 seasons and I honestly really enjoy it.  I know a lot of people think she's a hack, but I guess because of the work I do, I really appreciate the gift she offers people.  And in the end, if you believe in it, and you get a message from a loved one, what can beat that in your grieving process!?

I've mastered a good impression of Theresa Caputo, which may or may not wind up on stage at some point, but that's not what's really sticking.

I guess it's just about energy.  And being a sensitive person.  Vibes.  I think if you pay attention, it's pretty easy to pick up on the vibe of a place.

I was recently in a venue with a lot of love in it.  A lot.  Just based on the history, there was a lot of love and care in the air.  It probably had everything to do with the special event I was at, but that's a special feeling.  It's nice.

I don't want to get all freaky-deaky here, it's Sunday night after all, but it's kind of a nice thing to be in touch with your surroundings, beyond what they can offer you on a purely "physical" level.

A building just fills up with people who have stories and maybe that's what creates the energy, but purpose and intent also has something to do with it.  I don't have much of a point to get to here, but maybe just allow yourself to be open to energy and see where it takes you.

New music,



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