Riders on the Storm

When the student is ready, the teacher appears.

I find that to be so true.  Call it the law of attraction or pure coincidence, but I'm on an internal trip I've never had access to before.  The gates have opened, the walls are down, and I see the path to my heart.

It's been a rocky couple of weeks, feeling like all this mumbo-jumbo emotional baggage has surfaced, and my first instinct is to sink it to the bottom as usual, just to keep my head up, but with a little patience and the help of a good friend, I'm riding the storm, seeing it through.

The fight or flight instinct is so active in dating!  "What the hell am I getting myself into?"  "Is this going anywhere?"  "Am I really that into him?"  "Is he really into me??"  Ohh such classics.

This new route is helping me face a lifetime of love-sludge, and shoveling it all out to get to the real me.  It's like an emotional cleanse, and I have to say tea has been an important role so far.

Joe Pug,



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