Dirty 30

Thanksgiving weekend - thirtieth birthday, all in one.  I have never felt so thankful in my life.  It's like the Christmas I got the Princess of Power castle, times 100.

Saturday morning I had breakfast with my mom after she spoiled me at Indigo and The Bay, then I went and got a diamond tattoo on my forearm, a reminder of how precious and beautiful life is.  That evening I celebrated with friends at the theatre, and even had a few surprises, family and old friends I haven't seen in ages.  So blessed.  So, so blessed.

Last night there was another surprise waiting for me at a Mexican restaurant.  I had no idea she planned this, but my sister managed to rally a bunch of family members, some from Ottawa even, to usher my 30th in with the biggest surprise birthday I could have ever expected.  I had no idea they were coming to dinner.

At my mom's place for cake and coffee, I was delivered notes and letters from even more family members, Grampa and my Aunt Norma included, bringing tears to my eyes as I read their kind words.  I can't remember a birthday where I cried so much, for the right reasons anyway.  :)

All this to say, that I am so fortunate for all the people in my life, I've realized how much I feed off of the love I feel around friends and loved ones, and I should never ever have a reason to doubt myself again.

Last night at the restaurant, I wrote my number on a napkin and sealed with a lipstick-stamp of a kiss and gave it to the good-looking waiter, "Marc-Andre."  "It's good like that," I said with a big ridiculous smile, and he smiled and thanked me, apparently stuffing it all into his waiter-fannypack thing later.

I've been walking around all weekend, thinking, "F-it.  I'm 30.  I can do anything now."  And it's probably the most empowering feeling I've had in a while.  So embrace your age, whatever it may be, and realize you are capable of everything.

Peace and love,



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