Write your own story

I've been in story-writing mode lately. I have an idea for a short story that's been developing in my mind over this past month and although I'm not quite ready to share it, it's brewing. I started on it last night, after sitting on the boardwalk in Old Quebec, watching a man sporting a white ponytail playing an accordion and a little girl with long blonde hair dancing to the Parisian tune. Her name will be Petunia and that's all I'll share for now. My problem with writing stories is that if I don't sit down and write it one shot, I have a hard time revisiting it. Most stories just seem to write themselves though, don't they? Such is life, we are all writing ours as we speak and although they may take some unexpected twists and turns here and there, we each create our own reality. So here I am creating mine, taking a break from my supper plans, trying to reach out and inspire yours as I struggle to type on my mom's IPad. It's funny about life.

Cheers and self-reflection, Katie


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