Deep Kids

I love it when my students inspire me. 

I always start classes with gimmicks, I clown around, put on a little shtick to win them over and then I go in for the kill with the deep stuff.

Today I was in a grade six class, talking in a southern accent about country and how the electric guitar changed music forever.  Then I asked them to think of comparisons in life, and many of them mentioned musicians like Michael Jackson and Skrillex, then a boy, who had been having a bad day so far, said cigarettes.  I wondered about how that may have played a roll in his bad mood and I loved his answer.  He got it.

A kid sitting in front of him slammed his idea because it had nothing to do with music, and I saw the great divide in minds and spirits right there.  It's so amazing to me when I walk into a class and see depth in someone beyond the years that present themselves, sitting behind their book-covered desk.  Those kids stand out, you can almost tell right away, it's in their eyes.

It was a great opportunity to have a conversation about smoking, something I've kind of been guilty of doing recently, and it put me in my place.  It's a hard topic to bring up with kids because you never know where their parents stand on controversial issues, but at least with smoking we all know it's bad for you.

Tobacco's been around forever, but when they started mass-producing and packaging and marketing, it changed history forever.  How many millions of people have died over the years as a result of this cancerous habit?  I know there's been lawsuits aplenty, but it started somewhere. 

My plan was to get them thinking about the things they love doing, and how they can change it slightly to make it their own, harness something unique.

I'm reading a great book on the history of Country Music, In The Country of Country , and learning about how Earl Scruggs took the banjo to a whole new level and played it like nobody had previously.  He influenced other players for years to come, trying to mimic his distinctive way of playing an instrument that was once kind of regarded as a comedic accessory in some circles.

I guess the way you do something is your own way of doing it, but if you take a new approach you'll probably discover something wonderful and see potential for change. Comes back to outlook and positivity.

Tomorrow 470 teenagers will be coming to my high school to merge with the already-500 there.  Their school got closed down because of asbestos and so they will be bunking with us until the end of the year.  Now that's change.  Yesterday I gave 5 speeches to students in separate grade assemblies, and watched as they reacted to the news, and most took it well but there were a lot of snickers from a group of grade 8 girls, anticipating all the drama coming their way.

I might be the only one in the school that's kind of looking forward to it.  Everyone has to share now, I have a new roommate in my office and that's okay - change can really inspire and create something wonderful that was previously being ignored.  But we'll see.  That's a lot more kids to handle. 

Willie Nelson,




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