Feminine Mystique

I never have time to read magazines anymore.  I have a friend who's on mat leave that gave me a stack, literally a STACK of magazines recently and I've barely looked through any of them. 

This makes me sad.

I picked up the October Cosmo last week and came across an article about "How to Keep Your Feminine Mystique," or something like that.  They had 50 tips on how to do so.  I guess they were claiming it's important to keep your man guessing so as not to reveal too much into the world of women.  I wonder if their tips apply to girls who like girls.  "Never let him see you put on deodorant."

As if guys don't know we deodorize.

The problem is, every time I put it on now, I awkwardly angle myself away from his sight.  Damn you Cosmo!  Damn you! 

Maybe I'm oversharing big time, but I think it's funny.  Going from a single girl who wears more denim than anyone should and likes to get gussied up only once a week to pretty-much-taken means there are a few adjustments to be made.  Like it dawned on me that I now have to shave my legs more often than on every Friday.  HAHAHA.  But I'm not joking.

I guess it's a curtesy thing. 

As I've been dating this awesome person, I've begun to notice some awesome changes in myself.  Things that once destroyed my insecurities now aren't an issue.  Like not wearing makeup around him.  Going out to Wal-mart on a Tuesday night makes for a pretty cheesy date, but it also does not call for mascara.  Who gives a shit.  I'm going to Wal-mart.

HAHA.  I'm laughing my way through this one because part of me realizes that I'm probably way too comfortable after only dating for 3 weeks.  There's just something about him?  It's his East meets West coast attitude?  Constant praise?  Or how about maybe he just acutally likes me, for who I am. 

I'll wait for confirmation on that one, but here's hoping.

I promise you one thing.  If this gets serious, I will never, not ever, pee with the door open.  That's just weird.

AM & Shawn Lee,



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