Fallin' for Fall

There's something magical about the arrival of Fall.  I know it's only early September but you'd be lying if you told me you don't feel it too.  The cool breeze that chills you to the bone in the early morning, the smell of cooking in your apartment building or wafting down the street from a cozy restaurant... How everything feels fresh, how you tackle new projects, how you change your wardrobe, just like when you were little.  *sigh*

So nice.

Today a colleague came into my office as some students were painting a poster with some dollar-store paint.  He looked at the cup holding the bright blue gouache and held it to his nose.  He time traveled and told me about the time he was in preschool and had to paint portraits of friends.  His friend painted him with blue hair.  Blue like the royal blue paint in the Dixie cup.  He remembered the name of the kid, the plaid shirt he was wearing and the reaction to the painting.  Pretty wild.  Pretty awesome.

Sense memory is something that I appreciate and love how it is something so unique per individual.  Maybe the sense is heightened due to the routine of September, going back to school, smelling fresh pencil sharpenings, reuniting with friends.  There's a certain comfort in September, and all I want is soup.

Enjoy the month, enjoy the transition into a cooler season, enjoy the beauty that surrounds you, enjoy your friends and the laughter you share, enjoy a nice evening walk with a loved one, enjoy life.  Enjoy, enjoy, enjoy.

Bon Iver,



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