100 Days of Writing - 53

A year ago I never would have thought I'd be sitting where I am right now.  Okay maybe writing in bed at night on a Wednesday isn't that big a stretch, but the knowledge I'm filled with is. 

I feel so much more equipped, with so much more focus, and a greater understanding of the industry that I want to be a part of.  I have pitch packages, a business plan, a webseries, a picture book and 3 chapters of a novel and I can hardly believe it.  It feels pretty freaking great.

We're approaching the internship portion of the program, and it is still unknown to me where I will be in a few weeks time, taking everything I've learned and applying it in the real world.  I'm so excited to get out there, but I know I'll miss these late nights finishing up homework to deliver to my lovely teachers. 

Ya'll, my heart is filled with gratitude and warmth tonight, I'm proud that I made the sacrifice to go back to school and do this crazy thing because it has opened me up into a world I have only seen from a distance.  I want to share my knowledge and continue to learn and appreciate every step of the process. 

Kevin Morby,



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